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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Case 4 Burn Victim, Fourth Degree ???? Sensation absent, requires excsion of necrotic tissue, amputation sometimes, it presents as charred or dried, Compression Garments ???? Wrap is immediate pressure garments 3 weeks out apply witha certain direection to prevent shear, Treatment Acute ROM minimize contracture Splinting Stretching mobility positioning in bed skin assessment scarmanagement education (fam & pt) balance endurance respiratory training, Emergency Response ???? Apply Cool water, immediately, Lund and Browder Chart ???? modified based on age, breaks it up into different ages uses %, Rules of 9s ???? Based on amount of body parts, Compression Garments ???? TYpes of Pressure Garments: Ace wraps Tubular Elastic Bandage Pre-Gabricated Garments Custom made garments, Skin Grafts ???? Changes after skin graft: -loss of ability to sweat, changes in sensation, pain, changes in strength of skin changes in color of skin, need for lotion, Mechanism of Injury ???? Cutaneous/Thermal Smoke Inhalation Electrical/Chemical, Intimacy after burns ???? being open exploring new body give attention to areas to develop sensation again having conversation before inimacy starts in new relationships Different areas of good or bad sensitivity, Phases of Recovery ???? Acute -2-3 days, Emergency Response ???? Avoid oils, Pain ???? Procedural - most intense, increases after dressing changes and once PT ends Background pain- higher in pts with anxiety prolonged duration pain, relatively constant, mild to moderate Breakthrough pain- associated with movement; stinging;prickling; shooting and pounding, 2nd degree ???? Superficial OR deep - depends on involvement on skin appendages Superficial heals 7-10 days, deep heals 3-6 weeks Dont pop blisters! Scarring is likely, Inflammatory phase ???? Cleansing, preventing infection, 0-5 days, Skin Grafts ???? Edema control: ace wrap, tubular bandage, elevation can be initated immediately following graft, few weeks out have pressure garments, Treatment Out patient ROM Strengthening cardiovascular sit to stand hand therapy ADL training self skin care, Meds ???? Demerol: opioid pain reliever. Used to treat moderate to severe pain Side effects: loss of appetite, sweating, itching, loss of interest in sex, dry mouth constipation, headache, dizziness, urinating less, Based on amount of body parts ???? adjusts accordingly for children because of head proportion to body, head is 18%, Phases of Healing ???? Remodeling/Maturation